National SKA Science Day Sweden
Uppladdad av Franz Kirsten
Uppladdad av Franz Kirsten
Following on from the official start of construction of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), and confirmation of Sweden’s fully financed participation in SKA, a Swedish national SKA Science all-day meeting will be held at Albanova, Stockholm University on Thursday 2nd February, 2023, 10:00 - 17:00. This meeting will be the first chance after the pandemic for Swedish astronomers working in SKA related science to meet and for Swedish researchers in general to learn more about the science opportunities using both SKA itself (whose joint-risk science verification observations will start in 2026 and first PI science programs in 2028); and the science opportunities available using the SKA precursor/pathfinder telescopes that are already operating.
The SKA Observatory Science Director Robert Braun will be attending/presenting at the meeting - in addition to representatives of SKA Precursor/Pathfinder telescopes. Plans for the development of the Swedish node of the SKA Regional Centre Network of archive/computer facilities will also be presented. The largest part of the meeting however will be reserved for contributed presentations from Swedish researchers on their SKA precursor/pathfinder results and their scientific plans for SKA.
The detailed programme of the meeting can be found here. Please note that the first two talks were unfortunately not recorded.